
The data query pattern is implemented by the zenoh::Queryable and zenoh::Session::get().

Queryable example:

#include "zenoh.hxx"
#include <iostream>
using namespace zenoh;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   auto queryable_keyexpr = "demo/example/simple";
   Config config;
   auto session = expect<Session>(open(std::move(config)));
   auto queryable = expect<Queryable>(
      session.declare_queryable(queryable_keyexpr, [](const Query& query) {
         std::cout << "Received Query '"
                   << query.get_keyexpr().as_string_view()
                   << "?" << query.get_parameters().as_string_view() << std::endl;
         query.reply(queryable_expr, "42");
   // Wait for a key press to exit
   c = getchar();

Client example. Notice that reply callback may receive error message instead of a sample. Also notice that the callback is processed asynchronously, so the client must not exit immediately.

#include "zenoh.hxx"
using namespace zenoh;

int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   Config config;
   auto session = expect<Session>(open(std::move(config)));

   auto on_reply = [](Reply&& reply) {
      auto result = reply.get();
      if (auto sample = std::get_if<Sample>(&result)) {
         std::cout << "Received ('" << sample->get_keyexpr().as_string_view() << "' : '"
                   << sample->get_payload().as_string_view() << "')\n";
      } else if (auto error = std::get_if<ErrorMessage>(&result)) {
         std::cout << "Received an error :" << error->as_string_view() << "\n";

   auto on_done = []() {
      std::cout << "No more replies" << std::endl;

   // Send a query and pass two callbacks: one for processing the reply
   // and one for handle the end of replies
   session.get("demo/example/simple", {on_reply, on_done});

   // Do not exit immediately, give time to process replies
   // Better to wait on a mutex signalled by the on_done callback
   c = getchar();